Saturday, December 12, 2009

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

In today's fast paced, fast food, quick fix world it is quite reasonable to assume many of us are not consuming the broad spectrum of foods needed to ensure our bodies get the necessary intake of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, even if you are one of the few that manage to get in a wide variety of foods, it is probable that with the current food processing methods, economical food supply and fast food, they do not contain enough of these nutrients to healthily meet the needed requirements.

Just as the body needs proteins, carbohydrates and fats daily in order to function properly (try starving yourself for a day and see how you feel!), it also needs vitamins and minerals to carry out a whole host of things. Vitamin B for keeping the nervous system healthy, Zinc for protein synthesis and collagen formation, Calcium for bones and teeth and so on and so forth.

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Vitamins and minerals are needed by the body to function properly. It may not be apparent on a short term basis, but the long term deficiency of vital nutrients inevitably leads to health problems. Just as not getting enough protein, carbohydrates, fats etc. for any long periods of time will make you feel unwell, so will not getting enough of the needed vitamins and minerals. This often becoming evidenced in strange maladies, possible mood swings and other deficiency related illnesses. It is perhaps a little unfortunate that it may take longer to notice the effects of these deficiencies, but with right knowledge and the right supplementation, one does need to fall prey to this apparent oversight and therefore live a healthier, happier lifestyle!

If you want to help support your diet with some good supplements, we recommend you to visit here.

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